
Main Ingredients


Inhibits the increase of uncontrolled cell proliferation; induces apoptosis of lost controlled cell growth; inhibits tumor angiogenesis; inhibits protein synthesis that contributes to tumor formation; inhibits inflammation; promotes postoperative wound healing; enhances immunity and activates immune cells (NK cells, Macrophages, Lymphocytes); reduces the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, such as vomiting, hair loss, anorexia and other symptoms, relieves patients’ pain, improves the inhibition of radiotherapy on human bone marrow hematopoietic function; anti-allergic, improves digestive function, enhances natural healing ability, defends various diseases; increases anti-virus ability and increases anti-infection ability.


Enhances the phagocytic ability of macrophages, induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, promotes the proliferation and activity of T lymphocytes, activates macrophages, improves the balance of the host body, and enhances anti-tumor effects; enhances the stability of cell membranes and inhibits cytopathic changes, Promotes cell repair; induces tumor cell apoptosis, inhibits tumor angiogenesis, inhibits tumor growth; inhibits tumor occurrence, development and metastasis, improves tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy drugs, activates cellular immunity, regulates multiple humoral immune factors, and stimulates interferon forms, regulates the immune response of the body, induces leukocytes to infiltrate tumors, causes vasodilation, bleeding, and necrosis at the tumor site, prevents the combination of virus and host cells, improves SOD activity, inhibits MDA production, resists lipid oxidation, and reduces cholesterol. Regulates glucose metabolism, improves glucose tolerance, reduces appetite, lowers blood sugar, has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-oxidant effects.


Enhances the immune function of the body; synthesizes glutathione to help the liver metabolize foreign bodies and detoxify; maintains the structure and function of the intestinal barrier; enhances the activity of intestinal cells and improves the immune function of the intestine; repairs diseased tissues and promotes healing; improves brain function; improves the body’s antioxidant capacity; improves the body’s metabolism, nitrogen balance, promotes protein synthesis, and increases the total number of lymphocytes; inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators, reduces the body’s stress response, and shortens the recovery time; controls appetite and reduces body fat ; Reduces nerve pain caused by chemotherapy; increases muscles, increases strength, improves endurance; prevents the decomposition of muscle protein, reduces muscle loss.

Procyanidins( Grape Seed)

Scavenging free radicals, anti-aging; anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-virus;

Anti-carcinogen; anti-allergic; anti-radiation;

Effectively regulate the body’s immune function and completely improve allergic physique;

Protect the heart and brain blood vessels, lower cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevent cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, hemiplegia, etc.; protect the digestive system; protect the eyes; help maintain the health of joints, muscles and skin.


Anti-oxidation, prevents free radicals from harming the human body; anti-cancer effect (anti-tumor, anti-cancer)

Protects the immune system; protects the nervous system; protects the eyes; powerfully inhibits inflammation;

Analgesic effect (rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative arthritis); anti-allergic effect; protects the liver and enhances its detoxification function; promotes digestion and protects the digestive system; stimulates bile secretion; regulates blood lipids; prevents and treats Alzheimer’s disease .


Terminalia Ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum)

Unique to Australia, the world’s highest vitamin C superfruit, the content is 100 times that of American cherries, helps to form amino acids, supplements and promotes collagen synthesis; can effectively inhibit the tyrosinase that causes melanin production, prevents melanin production, and repairs damaged cells, prevents skin aging; anti-bacterial, anti-aging, anti-oxidation, anti-virus, reduces body fat; regulates the anti-acne system, promotes iron absorption and heart health; rich in high-content antioxidants; ellagic acid, inhibits intestinal fat absorbed gallic acid and more than 100 kinds of polyphenols, catechins, kaempferol and quercetin; can treat a variety of skin diseases and infections and have anti-cancer effects, can prevent tumor growth and cause tumor cell death; flavonols can maintain heart health, reduce stroke, anti-cancer and anti-virus; aromatic acid can prevent neurodegenerative diseases; anthocyanin, promote urethral health, reduce the risk of cancer, improve memory and protect eye health; lutein can prevent macula degeneration and heart disease

Zinc Amino Acid Chelate

Improves the immune system, promotes the regeneration of traumatic tissues, and helps wound healing; helps maintain the normal metabolic function of the body, and promotes growth and development; promotes healthy eyesight, improves taste and appetite; antioxidant effect; supports the production of healthy sperm and maintains normal sperm activity; helps more than 50 enzymes to protect cell structure and to prevent oxidative damage; synthesizes part of cell genetic material; synthesizes heme in hemoglobin; helps the pancreas to perform digestion and insulin functions, and helps metabolize sugar, protein and lipids; it is necessary factors for DNA synthesis to optimize DNA health, participating in cell division and proliferation, promoting cell growth and development, are conducive to cancer prevention; optimizes memory and brain health; reduces the risk of depression; helps to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder/(ADHD/ADD) ; Helps treat Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).



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Main Ingredients

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